Pope Francis sends Greetings to President, Ugandans

Monday, September 9, 2019

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: His Holiness Pope Francis has sent greeting and blessings to President Yoweri Museveni and the people of Uganda as he headed down to Mozambique.

“As I overfly Uganda, on my way to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, I send greetings to Your Excellency and your fellow citizens the assurance of my prayers for peace and harmony. I invoke abundant blessings upon all of you, he said in a message he conveyed through the control tower at Entebbe International Airport as he overflew the Uganda airspace on Wednesday September 4, 2019.

The Pontiff is on a three-country tour of Africa, where he plans to emphasize the continent’s role in the future of the Roman Catholic Church.

Pope Francis concluded his trip to Mozambique on Friday, his 31st trip abroad and his return to sub-Saharan Africa — with a visit to HIV-AIDS patients and an open-air Mass focused on reconciliation and peace. He later visited Madagascar and Mauritius.

President Museveni acknowledged the greetings and said he was happy to receive the message from the Pope and to share it with Ugandans.